Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Machine Tool Assignment 1 (Due Date 16/07/09)

Metal cutting & Lathe
Class Test on 18thjuly2009 from the following questions.
Answers available on 20th july2009
First Quiz Test on 22nd july 2009 (Metal Cutting & Lathe)
1. Explain different types of chips?with neat sketch.
2.Define various tool angels used in single point cutting tool with neat sketch
3.Describe basic elements of machine?how are the cutting tools classified?Name a few tools of each type.
4.Determine undeformed chip thickness during metal cutting operation with neat sketch.
5.Derive the equation for chip thickness ratio. do classify cutting tool? brief them. Give significance of providing nose radius.
7.Give neat diagram of engine lathe ,describe its main parts and controls.
8.How is size of lathe specified?
9. Difference between oblique cutting and orthogonal cutting ?
10.Describe briefly about Chip Breakers